Why Reddit is the unsung hero of student social media

Reddit regularly appears within the top 10 platforms students use to research their study choices.

Also, within the last year, its popularity has exploded.

According to Niche’s Class of 2024 survey, 65% of students use Reddit to inform their school decisions.

Even more popular than TikTok:

Other internet forums doing well too with 32% of students using them to choose a university.

Why Reddit is so popular with students

It’s hard to tell exactly why Reddit is proving popular, but I’d say Google’s “E-E-A-T” content quality rater is a fact. Among other factors, E-E-A-T favours content created based on “first-hand experience.”

Reddit is chock full of that!

There aren’t many places you can go that offer as authentic advice as “r/ApplyingToCollege/” Also 90% (!!!) of Reddit’s users say that they’re “open to new ideas” when I’m using the platform. Equally, they find it “more informative” than other social media channels.

So Reddit (and forums like it) are an absolute must for discovery.

You're missing a trick if your ambassadors aren’t regularly publishing there. It’s worth giving your publishing strategy for forums a second look.

They’ll only going to grow in popularity with student audiences pivoting to private chats and online communities.

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